When will my pre-order ship?

If you placed an order with a mix of in-stock and pre-order items, your entire order will be held until all items are available to ship. We strongly suggest you place separate orders for in-stock and pre-order items, as some pre-order items can have wait times of up to 6 months.

Once pre-ordered items are received, we do our best to ship within 24-72 hours from time of arrival.   

Estimated Arrival Dates
The estimated arrival dates are stated on the product page. These dates are supplied by the product manufacturer and may change. Any changes will be noted on the product pages. You can check a product page for the latest information.

On occasion a manufacturer will send incomplete or damaged products. In the event an item is not available to ship, at no fault of our own, we will notify you as soon as possible and refund that portion of your pre-order.

Pre-order Cancellations
All pre-order sales are final unless on the rare occurrence that an order cannot be fulfilled due to the fault of the manufacturer.